Youth Mental Health Court Worker Program

In partnership with youth, families, the criminal justice system and community agencies, the Youth Mental Health Court Worker (YMHCW) Program works with youth aged 12 to 17 with mental health issues who are involved in the justice system. The YMHCW also acts as a resource to the courts and assists with helping youth and/or their families navigate the court process.
The YMHCW ensures that youth appearing before the court will have their mental health needs identified as early as possible in their legal proceedings and prompt access to appropriate, quality assured social and mental health services. The goal is to facilitate the diversion of youth with mental health needs away from the courts and develop linkages with appropriate programming/supports in the community.
Program Services
- Assessment and Service (Diversion) Planning.
- Short-term case management.
- Linkages/referrals to community based health services.
- Support for family members and/or significant others.
- Provide information about mental health issues and the court processes.
- Referrals to psychiatric services.
Upon the client’s successful completion of the service (diversion) plan, the YMHCW will recommend to the Crown Attorney that the charge(s) be withdrawn.
Monday to Friday, daytime and evening appointments are available.
Eligibility Criteria
Age: 12-17 (at the time of the offence)
Legal Status: Involved with the criminal justice system