Enhanced (Mental Health) Bail Verification and Supervision

The Enhanced (Mental Health) Bail Verification and Supervision program is a community-based program provided in partnership with SOAR Community Services and the Ministry of the Attorney the General.
The Enhanced (Mental Health) Bail program is provided for individuals with severe and persistent mental health and/or addiction issues who may be facing poverty and homelessness and may have been denied supervision as they are unable to comply with structured reporting/supervision requirements, and/or are individuals with numerous administration of justice convictions (FTA’s/FTC’s) which may have excluded them from community supervision.
The Enhanced (Mental Health) Bail program will assess the individuals’ complex needs in order to develop a creative plans of supervision which would include but not limited to working directly with them to access housing, medical services, treatment/counselling, attending appointments and escorting to court.
Monday to Friday, daytime and evening appointments are available.
Eligibility Criteria
Age: 16+
Legal status: Court referral