Stop ShopTheft Program

The Stop ShopTheft program is an educational/information program for persons charged with theft.
The program uses an educational solution focused model to encourage participants to generate their own ideas, solutions and goals on how to change problematic thinking, feeling and behaviour that has led to their involvement with the criminal justice system.
Each participant is expected to attend the full session (three hours), actively participate and complete practice assignments.
Upon successful completion of the program the Crown will be notified.
Stop ShopTheft Topic Areas
- What is “ShopTheft”?
- Myths about “ShopTheft”?
- Reasons Behind “ShopTheft”?
- Getting Charged Again
- A Criminal Record and Your Future
- A Community Perspective on Theft
Monday to Friday, daytime and evening appointments are available.
Eligibility Criteria
Age: 18+
Legal Status: Referrals to the Program can only be made by the Direct Accountability Court Worker and only after an individual has been screened eligible by the Crown Attorney.