Extrajudicial Sanctions

The Extrajudicial Sanctions (EJS) program is a partnership between the Ministry of the Attorney General, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and SOAR Community Services that provides rehabilitative and reintegration programs and services to youth in conflict with the law. The goals are to decrease re-offending while increasing skills and abilities, improved functioning and positive social behaviour
EJS may be used to deal with young persons alleged to have committed an offence only if the young person cannot be adequately dealt with by way of police warning, caution or referral to the Extrajudicial Measures program due to the serious nature of the offence, the number of previous offences committed by the young person, or any other aggravating circumstances.
The EJS program provides a range of sanctions that hold the young person accountable for their offending behaviour, are proportionate to the seriousness of the offence and the degree of responsibility of the youth for the offence, are timely and meaningful and; create, maintain and enhance community partnerships.
Sanctions are negotiated on an individual basis and may include options such as cognitive/behavioural skills, self-awareness, life skills, projects, substance use early intervention/counselling and restorative justice practices. Where appropriate, opportunities are provided for family and/or the community to involved in the type of sanction and implementation of those sanctions.
Monday to Friday, daytime and evening appointments are available.
Eligibility Criteria
Age: 12-17 (at time of the offence)
Legal Status: Crown Attorney referral