Welcome to Station House

The votes have been counted!
The community has decided to name the new St. Leonard's Community Services youth shelter on Chatham Street 'Station House.'
With support from the Ministry of Health Safe Beds & MCCSS, Station House will offer accommodation and support for young people, both males and females, who are between 15 and 17 years of age.
At this new residence we will provide them with onsite counselling, life skills coaching, and leisure activities, as well as help with essentials like getting back into their education, finding a job, and much more.
Why Station House?
It was just one of the options the community had to select from, and it seems a fitting choice. Milestones along a journey are called 'stations.' Train stations are stops along the rails, not necessarily the spot you're actually heading towards. They are where trips begin or end, or where they can change directions.
A station isn't your destination, but it is a stop along the way. You get off the train at the station on your way home. Or you go to the station to embark on a new journey, to set out for where you ultimately want to go.
So, Station House isn't a permanent dwelling, but it is a stop along the way towards one. It is the place where the people we serve can begin their voyage home.
We're just happy to be one station helping that journey along. The residence also happens to be located on Chatham Street just a few doors down from the CN rail tracks that run along Clarence Street. Welcome to Station House.