Introducing Cornerstone House

The results are in!
We surveyed the community, and you told us that Cornerstone House was your favourite name for the St. Leonard's Community Services building on Dalhousie Street.
This facility is being made over into a new shelter space and transitional housing residence for men and women from the ages of 18-29 years who are precariously housed or at risk of homelessness. We will provide them with a safe place to stay, providing help and support with counselling and life skills coaching and much more so that they can transition back towards independent living.
Why Call it Cornerstone House?
The name received the most votes in our online poll, and it isn't difficult to see why. A cornerstone is a stone that is at the outer corner of two intersecting masonry walls – so it is foundational, fundamental. It is also where the wall changes directions.
A cornerstone is also a metaphor for the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained – the essential idea upon which beliefs are built. Cornerstone House hopes to provide those foundational ideas and life skills upon which our clients can build brighter futures.
Also, it is physically located at the corner of Dalhousie and Drummond Streets. It's a house on the corner. It's where you can come to make some positive changes to your life. Where you can turn a corner. It's Cornerstone House.
Find out what you chose for the other new facility - a youth shelter on Chatham Street.