Our Door is Orange all Year Round

Your $2 can help make a difference in the lives of youth experiencing homelessness, right here in Brantford.
Did you ever notice that the front door of St. Leonard's Community Services' Youth Resource Centre, the YRC, is orange? That is as a thank you to the Home Depot Canada Foundation for raising funds to help support youth experiencing homelessness with their amazing Orange Door campaign.
This time around, the Orange Door Project fundraising campaign is taking place between July 6th to August 1st. To make a secure, online donation head over to orangedoorproject.ca or make a $2 donation in-store at the checkout of the Brantford Home Depot store (25 Holiday Drive) and give homeless youth in our community the housing, support, and hope they need to live safe, healthy, and productive lives.
One hundred per cent of the donations collected here in Brantford will go to support the young people in our city who can use a hand. Thank you, Home Depot! And a big thanks to all of you who make a $2 contribution at orangedoor.ca or at our local Home Depot store.