Help us Name Two New Residential Facilities in Brantford

We're making some changes, and this is your chance to participate!
A couple of our residences and facilities are being renovated and retooled to better serve the community, and we would like you to help us name them.
Our current Youth Resource Centre on Dalhousie Street is being made-over into a shelter space and transitional housing residence for men and women who are precariously housed or at risk of homelessness. They'll find a safe place to stay and help and support transitioning back towards independent living.
Plus, with support from the Ministry of Health Safe Beds & MCCSS, we are creating a new safe space for youth on Chatham Street. This facility will offer accommodation and support for young people who are between 15 and 17 years of age.
It will offer them onsite counselling, life skills coaching, and leisure activities, as well as help with essentials like getting back into their education and finding a job, and much more.
So, what do we call these new spots? We need them to be welcoming, hopeful, descriptive, easy to remember, and maybe even a little bit inspirational. We want our guests to know they've come to a safe place, and one that can help them transition into the next phase of life. Turn a corner. Start fresh. Begin anew. That's a tall order.
We have some thoughts, but we were hoping you could help us come to decision. Please cast your vote for your favourite name for each of these new buildings.