SJS - Claims Q&A
Claim Form Question & Answer Sheet
- When does the claim form become available?
The link to the Claim forms is located on this website and we will also email you a copy as claim time approaches. - Do I need to supply payroll back up? What is required for payroll back up?
If this is the first year you have participated in SJS, you will need to submit payroll back up. There will be random audits of claims and you will be notified if you must submit payroll back up. Documentation that shows how many hours the student worked each week; the number of weeks worked; hourly wage and proof of deductions. Ideal paperwork includes pay stubs or a payroll summary. - When do I submit claim forms and payroll backup?
Appropriately signed claim forms and payroll back up (if required) are due 15 days after the student’s placement ends or they have returned to school ( ie. employment ended September 2, claims are due no later than September 23) - Why does my student(s) need to sign the claim form and what if they go back to school before signing?
Students must sign to validate that they actually worked the hours being claimed. We cannot issue funding without a completed claim form including all required signatures. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please feel free to contact us at (519) 756-7665. - What is the maximum number of weeks I can claim for?
The duration of the hiring incentive may vary in length, but may not exceed 16 consecutive weeks. Subsidized hours cannot begin before whichever of the following conditions comes later:- The date the SJS Employer Registration and Contract form was received;
- April 1
- The student has finished their current school year, or
- The date the student signed their SJS Participant Form
Hours eligible for subsidy will end on Labour Day weekend. High school students are not eligible until the completion of high school in late June.
- Should/can I claim for a student who only worked a few weeks?
It does not matter how few weeks your student has worked, as long as they have fully registered. Claims can be submitted for as many students as you were approved for, regardless if they worked all approved hours. Please notify us if a student’s employment has been terminated by calling (519) 756-7665. You may be eligible to claim an additional student for the remaining hours.