ODSP Employment Supports

Employment Ontario services assist individuals with finding sustainable employment:
- Assessment of skills, capabilities, interests, experience
- Job search strategies, including resume and interview preparation
- Information about different careers and occupations, labour market, employment and training opportunities
- Create and find opportunities for employment in the community
- Job Coaching support
- Information about Employment Ontario programs and services
- Assistance with Better Jobs Ontario Applications
- Information about and referral to other community services and supports
- Workshops on many employment related topics
- Training – Smart Serve, Safe Food Handling, WHMIS
- Canada-Ontario Job Grant for employers
Employers can get help identifying their Human Resources needs, matching potential candidates to positions, support for developing on the job training plans, placement incentives and assistance with grants for staff training.

Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 4:30pm
Eligibility Criteria
All ages – Targeted to support those on ODSP
Brant Employment Centre
1-225 Fairview Dr.
Brantford ON N3R 7E3